
8:45 PM Cassie 0 Comments

I love to write-- it is my past-time, my breather, my outlet, my passion, and even if I am extra busy, I still find time to do so. What I write here is who I am outside of the things I do everyday. And who I write here about surely left a mark in my life-- may it be small or big.

In my entries, I could choose to not wear the mask I have everyday. I could stop pretending to be fine. I could stop pretending to be strong. I could stop pretending that I do not mind. I could just be me. While I write not to impress, but to express myself, I hope people who read this get to see through me; could get to see and feel through my hard facade.

I do not consider myself to be an interesting person, but just in case you still want to know me better, then you can through these accounts:
Twitter: cgacott_
Instagram: cgacott_ cassiegacott